For the last few days we’ve been discussing what it means to live a real life, and we’ll continue this discussion for the next 25 days. Thanks for journeying along with me.
But, what does living a real life even mean?
I’m passionate about being real, about living an authentic and genuine life. I believe when we allow ourselves to be who we are–who God created us to be–we not only honor our Creator, but we are more relatable to others. (Who wants to hang around someone who appears to be perfect in every way?) When we remove the pretend masks and expose the real us, we’re finally able to thrive in the freedom of living a real life.
I guess that’s why I share much of my life here. Even through an imperfect life, encouragement and hope result when we’re transparent with ourselves and with one another. Through the good, the not-so-good, the joys, and the messes of every day life.
Your real life story blesses others.
Friend, what’s your story?
You have one (even if you don’t think you do), and it’s amazingly special. And, you know what else? No one else has your story. Your uncommon, one-of-a-kind story. It’s unique to you, just as mine is unique to me. And, your story plays a major role in living a real life.
This reminds me of Psalm 139 again.
You see all things; You saw me growing, changing in my mother’s womb; Every detail of my life was already written in Your book; You established the length of my life before I ever tasted the sweetness of it. Psalm 139:16 VOICE
The details of your life–your story–is written in God’s book. Even before you were born. I find that amazing, don’t you? He knows the good, the bad, and the ugly in our stories. And, He loves us anyway! There’s no need to hide behind a mask or pretend we’re something we’re not.
Live out your story, for you, for God, and for others.
Friend, embrace your story and I’ll embrace mine. Let’s be about sharing it in real life to bless others and to glorify our Creator. I’d love to read a few sentences of your story below if you’d care to share.
I’ll be praying for us all as the pages of our stories continue to be filled in the days to come.
We’re landing on Day 6 of our 31 Days of Living a Real Life. You can read all previous posts here. Linking this post with the wonderful Five Minute Friday community, with the prompt STORY. Click here to read more.
Embracing with you friend! I’m in the 7 spot this week.
Thanks, friend! Keep up your writing! You’re making a difference.
If God knew the whole story, I kind of wish he’d have given me a warning.
Seriously, it’s not a story I can really embrace. I can only tell it, step by step, and it does hurt in the telling.
Has to be done, though.
Maybe it’s a good thing God doesn’t warn us. I don’t know. I imagine it does hurt in the telling. But as you do, you’re making a difference in God’s Kingdom and in the lives of others. Keep telling it, Andrew.
Real Life is not always easy. is great. I lost my dad at 21 and married my college sweetheart. He was an all champion high school and college b-ball player. He did not have to work as a team either at home or
on the court. The team followed him. I am not good at just going along with him on spiritual things. Right now my youngest just called with bad news. Not always easy but God has worked miracles, he is always there to encourage. Also christian sister’s
Well I did it. I shared real life. Hard thing.
Oh, Teresa, you are right. Real life is not always easy. Some days it’s hard and not fun. But thankfully, God is with us in it all. He’s with you in the good news and the bad news, and I’m sorry you just received bad news from your youngest. Praying for you tonight. And yes! You shared real life. Your words might be the ones someone else needs to hear! Bless you for doing that. I’m honored you did it here. Sending you my love and a hug!
Thank you……may the lord bless you and keep you and shine his face upon you
Thank you, Teresa. And you as well!