A Special Day Celebrating Mom

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Personal memories, This Lefe Family

The death of a loved one can be a difficult experience.

Maybe you know what I’m talking about.

My mother passed away in December 2006. Losing her was incredibly hard, and still is some days.Mom birthday She was not only my mother, she was my best friend.

Today would have been her 82nd birthday.

I’d give about anything to celebrate with her one more time. I would treat her to lunch, dessert, and shopping today, if I could. We’d all celebrate together tonight–her children and grandchildren. She always loved having her family together in one spot. Especially on her birthday.

I wrote in a post in 2011,

“I thought about her last birthday on this earth in 2006, and how we took her to her home that evening, away from the assisted living facility she was staying in at the time. That was the biggest gift we could have given her. I remember her eating pie for dessert at her kitchen table, with a smile on her face. It brings tears to my eyes as I write about it now.”


“She was never too busy for me.  She would encourage me, support me, help me to see things from different perspectives, and unconditionally love me.”

That post will share more details of my relationship with her if you’d like to read more. She was one incredible lady, and we had one amazing mother-daughter relationship.

Mom from WendyTwice last week in my hometown I was told, “You look like your mother.” Yes I do, and I accept that compliment. 🙂 I’d love to hear that from someone today… that would be the greatest gift!

Friend, if I can share one piece of encouragement today, it would be to love those special people in your life. Really love them. Show them. Tell them. Live your love. Call your mom today, or better yet, go visit her. I wish I could. There may come a day when you wish you could too. Don’t delay.

Love those special peopleBut I am thankful. I’m thankful that God brought into this world an amazing woman 82 years ago today, who left quite a legacy, living a simple yet profound life. I am thankful I am her daughter, and I pray I can be half the woman she was. I am thankful I’ll get to see her again, one day soon.

If there’s cake in heaven, I imagine she’s having the most delicious piece today. Along with a cup of coffee.

Thank you for sharing in this most special day.


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  1. R. Rodgers

    A beautiful post, Julie. I really love that you took her home to her home for pie! That must have meant so much to her. My dad requested that, not on his birthday, but just for an outing. We took him and he sat not the sofa and smoked a cigarette (something that wasn’t allowed at the nursing home, and something that he loved, as awful as it was to me!). I been through the death of my grandmother and my dad. They both were in nursing homes and both expressed a desire to be at home. Sometimes that’s just not possible. It wasn’t possible for either of them to live their final days at home. That still pains me.

    • Julie

      That still pains me too. I wish Mom could have spent her final days at home and not in a hospital. I’m thankful for that last time she was home, enjoying her pie that evening. I so understand where you are coming from, friend! Your dad and my dad both must have enjoyed their cigarettes. And he passed away in a hospital as well. Sometimes things are out of our control, but they aren’t out of God’s. We can take comfort in that. So thankful we’re not alone in these tough situations! Thank you for sharing your heart here. God bless your week, friend!


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