Who are you?
If we were sitting across the table from each other and I asked you that question, how would you answer? What words would you use to describe yourself?
A strong athlete? A talented writer? A good cook?
A mom, wife, daughter? A dad, husband, son?
Do you describe yourself by your job, your religion, or your position in life?
To take it one step farther, when you think of who you are, do uplifting and positive descriptions come to mind, or are the words more negative and condescending?
Please pause for a few moments to ponder your answer.
Words define us from the time we’re born.
Words are powerful, because they impact us… sometimes for the rest of our lives. Oftentimes we attach ourselves to the words spoken about us, both positive and negative. And, the thing is, once we allow that attachment, it can be quite the process to separate ourselves from those words.
- Someone once told me I talk too much.
- Another person felt it was her obligation to share with me that I was a terrible Bible study leader.
- One boy I dated in my teenage years told me I “just wasn’t pretty enough.”
Yep. Those words stick with a girl. I’ve never forgotten them.
Positive words have stuck, though, too.
- My high school assistant basketball coach took me aside and told me I was something special, both on and off the court.
- My parents encouraged me as far back as I can remember to love who I was. They loved me and told me often.
- An amazing friend once looked me straight in the eye and told me my presence in her life was a gift.
Yes, words impact us. What words have been spoken about you? Which ones have stuck with you? Do you use those same words to describe who you are today?
Who do you say you are?
Allow me to let you in on a little secret. You are more than you think you are. And, if the words you use to describe you aren’t so positive, please allow me to point your thoughts (and your words) in a different direction.
Who does God say you are?
I did some digging in His Word, and friend, God says you are quite amazing. You are His child, you are accepted, you are set free, and redeemed and forgiven. You are God’s creation, you are meant to shine, and you are chosen and loved. I could go on and on.
Friend, God made you and formed you, and after all, He does not create mistakes or mishaps. You truly are His masterpiece!
Will you accept His Words about you today and allow them to sink in? Be okay with basking in who God says you are. May His words become your words.
Rejoicing in you today, His amazing masterpiece!
Embracing Who You Are
This is the subject of our next BYOB and B (Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage) event on June 4, 6-8 p.m. Not only are we going to have a blast together that evening, we’re also going to dig into truth to uncover some amazing answers of this question of who you and I really are!
Friends, if you’re local to me you won’t want to miss this.
All the details and registration can be found here.
(Register before May 10 to be in the drawing for a beautiful journal!)
God has truly been working on me about what I say – both to others and to myself. A much needed word for this Saturday evening!
I need to read this over and over again! Thank you for writing just what I need to hear!!! God is using you!