167. 3 Simple Ways to Slow Down Time

Last Saturday I met some long-time friends for breakfast. We all used to attend church together, but for varying reasons, we’ve all gone our separate ways. But not in our friendships. A common theme arose among us Saturday morning: life is going by too fast and we desire to slow down time! One mentioned how she feels she missed September entirely. Another one said she’s sad how fast time is going. Yet another said the days are more full now for her than they ever have been. I agreed. Time feels like it’s speeding up. This year has gone fast, and I don’t think it’s going to slow down any time soon.

3 Simple Ways to Slow Down Time | woman's hand pulling back gray suit sleeve of other hand to see her wristwatch

They say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” And I get how that works. But are we having fun? I see women more stressed and anxiety-filled than ever before. Something needs to change, friend.

Is time going faster than ever before?

We discussed it and came to a few conclusions. We all want to slow down time.

But we live in this culture of distraction that celebrates everything fast. And everything fast can be some of the biggest distractions of all! But is fast the way of Jesus? Is fast the way God desires us to live? I don’t think so.

When we’re distracted, time speeds up. When we’re not, time slows down. And I think this is a key reason why time feels like it’s escaping us. We might need to pause for a moment and ask ourselves a few questions.

  1. What is distracting me now or lately?
  2. What am I missing because of these distractions?
  3. How can I overcome or eliminate the distractions?

I share what’s distracting me and invite you to do the same. Plus I offer some ways to slow down time.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 19-minute episode.

These 3 simple ways to slow down time may not be easy, but they make a difference.

We also celebrate the one-year anniversary of the release of my first book, Right Now Matters. Thanks for celebrating with me!

I believe these three ways will absolutely help us slow down time. It all starts with God, using Jesus as our example, and intentionally seeking God to help us align how we use our time with the way He desires us to. Life doesn’t have to go so fast. Let’s do our part in it today. Lord, help us. We need You. I’m cheering you on, friend. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 167, 3 Simple Ways to Slow Down Time

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