Living A Real Life – What Makes You Special?

by | Oct 3, 2017 | 31 Days Of Living A Real Life

What makes you special?

Is it your sense of humor? Your keen ability to organize? Your way of making others feel welcome?

Or, can you make a mean chocolate cream pie? Are you one who always sees the glass half-full, or do you have a passion for a specific sport or hobby?

Last night I gleaned from fourteen amazing women one thing that made each one special. As I listened to each one share, I couldn’t help but smile. I couldn’t help but secretly rejoice and praise God for creating all of us with such individuality. It was refreshing and inspiring.

But, when it was my turn to share, I met a roadblock. I had a difficult time coming up with something. What makes me special? Should I share how I’m a jock at heart? Is it my knack of taking on too much? Or, is it because I’m a wife and mom? I ended up sharing how my three brothers and I all live within 20 minutes of each other. That’s pretty special, but I’m not sure I really answered the question.

Friend, what makes you special?

What makes you special?

Take a few moments if needed. Ponder this all-important question. Because if we’re wanting to live a real life, embracing how we are individually extraordinary is key.

And, if you’re feeling like sharing, I sure would like to read it below. I’d love to celebrate what makes you incredibly special.

We have different gifts because God has blessed us in different ways. Romans 12:6a (WE)

Allow me to share another perspective. You and I are special because we are children of the King. We are God’s unique creation. After all, He formed us in His image. Wow! That alone makes us special. So, even if we have a hard time answering the above question, or if we are feeling un-special today, here is a truthful answer. Maybe the most important answer.

We are special because of our Creator.

And, that’s a truth we can rest in today and build a real life upon.

Thank you for journeying with me today in our 31 Days of Living a Real Life. Tomorrow we’re looking at envy and how damaging that can be to our real life living. I invite you back!

Bless you, special friend!



You can find the previous posts in this 31 Days of Living a Real Life series here.


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  1. Kim

    Hi Julie,

    I’m going to be honest and say that I laughed at the question, “What makes you special?” As if that is a joke! Sad… But, after pondering it, I believe the answer(s) would depend on who you ask. My kids would respond differently than my friends. My husband differently than my co-workers. So, there are actually several, if not many, things that make me special. Thinking what different individuals answer to that question might be has given me a boost. Thanks!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, I hadn’t thought of that question based on another’s perspective. Wow, that gives it an entirely different life, so to speak. I can see why that has given you a boost! I think I’m going to ask my husband this question about me tonight and see how he responds. Thanks for this thought. So glad you shared. Bless you, friend!

  2. Tara


    • Julie Lefebure

      Ordinariness is something special, that’s for sure. You are amazingly special, Andrew. Thanks for sharing! Praying today has been a God moment-filled day.

  3. Cindy Wilkins

    It has always been difficult for me to think of myself as special. Most of the time I’ve felt I didn’t measure up. I’m learning to change my thinking. If I had to pick something I’d say it’s my ability to sense the needs of others and to encourage them. Now Julie, you need to answer the question again and tell us what makes YOU special! I’ll be waiting for your answer, Cindy

    • Julie Lefebure

      Cindy, I understand! Sensing the needs of others and encouraging them are beautiful and amazing attributes! I’m thrilled you shared them here. Thanks for making me search for mine and for keeping me accountable. I’d say what makes me special is my ability to teach and encourage others. I love how God has gifted us all differently! Bless you, Cindy!



  1. 31 Days Of Living A Real Life - Julie Lefebure - […] Day 3 Living a Real Life – What Makes You Special? […]
  2. Discover You As You Live A Real Life - Julie Lefebure - […] how God created us. We discussed days ago how living real is accepting our uniqueness and embracing how God…

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