20 years ago today, Bill and I married.
I can remember before meeting Bill how I used to asked God to bring someone in my life to love, and who would love me back. And He did.
For the last 20 years, God has blessed me with a man who loves me for who I am. Bill has never tried to change me or to mold me into something I’m not. He has loved me in the hard times, and even stood for our marriage when I didn’t want to. Bill has always believed in the best for our family, and has always continued to do what it takes to provide for us. God certainly has blessed me in so many ways through Bill. He’s the man Dad was confident in giving his little girl to!
It rained early on our wedding day, then it became extremely humid and hot the rest of the day. The church did not have air conditioning…and I was in a long-sleeved wedding gown! But Bill and I didn’t care. We were just thrilled we were getting married. It was a beautiful ceremony…everything I dreamed of.
After our ceremony, we walked outside of the church to find much of our home on a flatbed truck! Friends and family who were there still talk about that today. We have brother-in-law Mike, and brother Marty to thank for that! We drove around our little town on that flatbed before going to the reception. 🙂Â
We celebrated with a wonderful meal and live band at our reception and dance. It was such a special evening.
Our life together began and God bonded our hearts together through the years. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. God has taught us so much about Him, about unconditional love, and about grace.Â
I look at my handsome husband today and I am so thankful. I love him with every fiber of my being. I love him more today than the day I married him. As you may already know, he has dropped around 110 pounds over the last seven months. As he wrote in a post on my facebook wall this morning, part of his anniversary wishes to me read “It has been a tough 7 months but it has been done for you, us, our family and has kept me focused throughout. One cannot buy time buy I may have added a couple of years on to the ‘growing old together’ and I look forward to spending it with you!…” I may have less of Bill to love, but actually I have more of him. I couldn’t be any more proud of him than I am today. He has given me the greatest gift…the gift of his health and of bringing back to me the man I married…even better.
Bill, 20 years later I’d marry you again. I think it would be a good year to renew our vows! What do you think? 🙂 I love you, I cherish you, I respect you. Thank you for loving me. I am so, so very proud of you! I look forward to the next 20 years, as we keep God in the center of our marriage. You bless me, and I am so thankful for you. Happy Anniversary, my love!