Five Minute Friday – Give

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Five Minute Friday

It’s that time again… where many of us free-write for five minutes on Fridays. We let go of perfection and just write. We aren’t concerned about punctuation, grammar, etc. We just write. And it’s beautifully freeing! We gather together and share at Kate Motaung’s place. I invite you to join the fun, either with your blog, or in my comments section below. Let your mind and fingers fly!

This weeks’ word:




I find it interesting how defines Thanksgiving:

the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgement of benefits or favors, especially to God.

give thanksI pray your Thanksgiving holiday was extra special.

I spent the entire day with family. Our family celebrates it in what might just be the most non-traditional way. But it’s a tradition to us. Each year my family and my younger brother’s family all travel somewhere together for a few days. We find a Cracker Barrel and enjoy their annual Thanksgiving Day meal (it’s incredible!), we shop, we eat some more, and we just have a ball together.

This year’s adventure was no exception, except for it having to be cut short because of work this morning.

Oh, but what a beautiful holiday we had.

But, Thanksgiving is more about our hearts, our gratefulness to God, and our relationship with Him, than it is about how we spend the day.

Wouldn’t we be wise to celebrate thanksgiving all year long? I pray we don’t give thanks on just one day a year.

give thanks Psalm 1004

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4

May we allow the spirit of Thanksgiving to live in and through us each and every day.

May we thank God throughout our moments, even the tough ones.

May He cultivate a grateful heart within us, that spreads out into the lives of others.

May we be known for our grateful attitudes.

May gratitude and giving thanks be just a way of life for you and for me.

Let me tell you, I’m grateful for you today. You give me great joy, just by being here, and by doing life with me.



I pray tonight for God to bless you, as you bless Him with your gratefulness! Have a beautiful weekend!

Much love,


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  1. Andrea

    Visiting from FMF – I love your Thanksgiving tradition. And I couldn’t agree more, I too pray that we don’t give thanks on just one day a year.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Andrea, thanks for visiting. Do you just love FMF?? I’ll swing by your place too. My heart is full of thanksgiving this morning. Praying yours is too, all day. Blessings!

  2. Diana Rockwell

    Julie, I always love your words, about letting the spirit of Thanksgiving dinner to live in us. Blessings Diana

    • Julie Lefebure

      Diana, thank you for your words and for stopping in for a couple minutes today. May God bless you and fill you to overflowing today!

  3. Helen

    Popped over from FMF and so glad I did: your description of your Thanksgiving has warmed my day. And I so needed to read Psalm 100 today too. Thank you.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Helen! I’m happy you stopped over today. I love Psalm 100! May God bless your weekend, and your writing!

  4. Julia Putzke

    “May we thank God throughout our moments, even the tough ones.” Just this one linen I really needed to hear today. Thank you for writhing this and sharing your words. Thank God that the made us fmf neighbors, too. 🙂

    By the way, Cracker Barrel has the best frozen apple cider! 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Julia! Thanks for stopping over today. Frozen apple cider?? I didn’t realize that. I’ll have to grab some the next time I’m Cracker Barrel. Thanks for the tip! Have a blessed weekend.

  5. Debbie Williamson

    Love love love this, Julie. It is an attitude to cultivate all year. And what a joy it would be to be known as the one with the grateful, giving heart and mind. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us. I’m sure you bring delight and joy to the lives of others! Visiting from FMF today.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Debbie! Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I want to be known in that way. May we never stop being grateful and giving. May your week be blessed!



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