‘Tis The Season To Be…

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

We know what the Christmas carol says, "'Tis the season to be...jolly." Right?? We know this, yet why is the Christmas season not always this way? Why is it filled with stress, busyness, and grief so often instead? Why is it sometimes anything--and everything--but jolly? Well, we have a choice in the matter, and a […]


Bloom Where You Are Planted

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Bloom where you are planted. It isn't just a cute saying in springtime, no. But it's an abundant way to live! Sometimes we wish we were planted elsewhere, or we look at where someone else is planted and we desire that space instead. Sometimes we don't feel equipped to bloom or we're too busy looking […]


Living Beyond Brokenness

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

  We live in a broken world, so it's no wonder we experience brokenness in it! It's one thing we each have in common, even if our brokenness may be in different forms. Is living beyond brokenness possible? It is! And this brokenness doesn't have to define us, nor does it need to ruin or […]


This Moment Matters

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

This moment matters. This very one we're living in right now. We've not lived it before, nor will we be able to live it every again. It's different than the moment before it and the one after. But so many of us are missing these everyday, run-of-the-mill moments of life. If they aren't memorable or […]

$25.00 – $40.00

Right Now Matters at Christmastime

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

The Christmas season is fast approaching. With the typical holiday hustle and bustle and all things glittery and gold, it can be easy to miss the priceless moments of the season happening right in front of us. But not this year. This year we're taking a stand to stay in the moment and be present, […]


Halting the Hurried Life

A Place 4 Friends 212 Edgewood Road NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

This world is in a hurry. The days fly by and the months even faster. How can it be that 2024 is almost half over already? If you're feeling like time is speeding by and are tired of living the hurried and hustled life, plan to attend our next Real Encouragement LIVE! event on Monday, […]


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