I was asked the question yesterday, “Do you have your Christmas shopping done?”
Wait, what? Are you kidding? I responded with reality, “I haven’t even started.”

Yes, the Christmas Season is here, and I am not ready.
I absolutely love Christmas. If there was a contest of who loves Christmas the most, I might win it. It’s my favorite. I love everything about it.
But, this year, something’s different. Maybe it’s because we took an untypical week-long vacation the week before Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s because our family has chosen not to buy gifts for each other this year, but instead to make memories on a family vacation next summer. Or maybe it’s because my brain is consumed with keeping the main thing the main thing. I don’t know. But something is different.
I’m finding this Christmas season is starting out differently.
I’m not ready for the holiday, yet strangely, I’m finding I’m okay with that.
I don’t have any gifts purchased yet (because, really, we’re not giving many).
We just finished putting up our tree three days ago.
My usual decorations are still in their tote downstairs.
Our outside Christmas lights and decor are also still in their tote.
I don’t have my family Christmas cards done yet.
And, I’m thinking my holiday baking will be limited this year.
What is going on? Why am I not caught up in all the hustle and bustle this year? Is there something wrong with me?
In thinking about this further this morning, however, I’m realizing I kinda am ready for Christmas.
I’m ready to celebrate the birth of my Savior.
I’m ready to prepare my heart for His arrival through daily Advent readings and listening to Christmas music.
I am ready to enjoy time with family and friends.
I’m ready to appreciate the Christmas lights, the beauty found in this season, and the joy that comes with Christmas.
And, I’m ready to have a calm, peace-filled, joyous Christmas season.
Maybe I’m more ready for Christmas than I first thought.
The decorating, the shopping, the baking, the wrapping will happen if they need to. But, accomplishing these things doesn’t determine if I’m ready for the season or not. And, they don’t determine if you’re ready either.
Friend, I encourage you today. If you’re not ready for the Christmas season according to the world’s standards, that’s not necessarily a negative thing. You might be more ready for Christmas than you think you are. Instead of looking at all that’s on your to-do list, how about you look at what you’re already ready for? I think you’ll find you’re more ready than you realize.
Enjoy unique moments today, my friend. Let your heart be light. Keep your focus on the main thing this Christmas season. You’re more than ready.
Much love,

If you’re local to me, I invite you to our next BYOB and B (Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage) evening of encouragement that’s happening on Monday, December 9 in Cedar Rapids! You’ll be inspired and encouraged to Simplify the Season and uncover a season that’s incredibly special. I’d love to celebrate this season with you! Tickets are available through 12/6. Details are here.

Woke up at 4 am this morning. Couldn’t go back to sleep because my mind was whirling with how far behind I am with Christmas! Wish I’d read this before I went to bed! Then I could have calmed those thoughts knowing I AM ready for true Christmas! Great piece Julie!
Thank you, Cindy. I understand how we can feel so far behind. I’ve purchased one gift so far, yet, I’m not stressed this year because I feel I AM ready for Christmas. It’ll all get done before it needs to, right? Praying for us all in this!