159. The Secret to a Life of Joy and Abundance

159. The Secret to a Life of Joy and Abundance

Believe it or not, I found the secret to living a life of joy and abundance! What comes to mind when you think of joy? What do you think of when you hear the word abundance? Our culture tells us that a life of joy and abundance come from acquiring lots of possessions...
156. It’s Okay to Say No with Stacie Gorkow

156. It’s Okay to Say No with Stacie Gorkow

You’re in for a treat today. Our guest this month is the wise and joyful Stacie Gorkow. Stacie is not only my friend, but my sister-in-law. She’s one who lives life to the fullest, and without a doubt, I believe her words will encourage you today,...
155. When You Are Your Own Biggest Distraction

155. When You Are Your Own Biggest Distraction

Distractions keep us from living the abundant life Jesus came to give us. They also influence us in ways to be ineffective and inefficient in life. Sometimes we or our thoughts can distract us from what’s important, but we may not realize our biggest distraction...

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