Ali had her last show choir performance last Friday evening at school. (We found out yesterday that they won’t be competing in Nationals after all…very disappointing.) Anyway, Friday night we didn’t know it was going to be her absolute last time of performing. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe God protected all of us from many sad emotions, especially for the Seniors, and especially for this mom.
Along with Bill and I, Ali had her Godfather (and uncle), Pat and his family, and her Godmother, Tina and her family in the audience, a few rows from the front cheering her on and celebrating her. Ali and the rest of the group performed so well again. Pat and his boys hadn’t seen her perform yet this year. I’m glad they were able to come to this. I know it meant a lot to Ali to have everyone there for her.
I’m so glad I took so many pictures, especially since this was her last time on that stage performing with her show choir group. It’s bitter-sweet for me, as it is for Ali. She loves show choir. It’s hard to believe it’s over. It’s been a great year in show choir, and it’s been filled with some fun memories Ali will be able to recall for a very long time.
I couldn’t be more proud. Enjoy these pics!
 Ali and her mommy
 Ali & Reagan
 Ali & her Godfather, Pat
 Ali & her Godmother, Tina
 Ali & her daddy & mommy 🙂
 So pretty…
 Here they are! (Ali is top right)
Ali & her cousin, Delaney
 I wonder where she gets her “sassyness??!!”
 She knows her stuff!
 Havin’ fun in the front row!
 More “sassyness!”
 This part of their performance is hilarious!
 Ali knows how to rock it!
 Bryce & Ali at the end of You Got The Look/Kiss medley
I love this picture of Ali & Layton
Congratulations, my sweet Alissa on such a great show choir season! You were a bright and shining star at each performance! I am so proud of you, Honey, and I love you so very much! Great job!