A Week of Busy

by | Oct 9, 2013 | me, schedule

A week has passed me by.

Are you feeling as distracted as I am?

Is life as full for you as it is for me?

Maybe life is as full as we make it… I don’t know.

But none the less, a week as passed us by since I last wrote.

Since then, I’ve managed to keep my head above water. I took Friday off of work, which was a much-needed day off. We left for Indianapolis Friday afternoon and spent the weekend there. Our family had the time of our lives attending an Indianapolis Colts game on Sunday. We returned Monday evening, and returned back to our routines again.

I have to say how nice it was for us to get out of those routines for awhile, and for the four of us to spend time together again. I was more than blessed by it. I’ll write a post on the weekend soon.

Coming back from time away always gets me thinking. And I am asking the question today, does God really want us to be this busy? I know I’m not as busy as I used to be when I would make up to four trips a day to our kids’ school 20 minutes one way years ago, but I’m feeling just as busy. We only have one teenager at home now, and he’s pretty self-sufficient. He’s in only one sport right now, and his games are usually on the weekends. Bill’s schedule has gone back to a somewhat “normal” schedule. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is two mornings a week for me, but without it’s structure in helping me stay in God’s Word, I’d be lost.

But yet there are days the demands on me are overwhelming. I had a conversation with a friend today who’s feeling the same way. Maybe it’s just us moms? But, yet I know of a young man who was feeling very overwhelmed recently as well. I guess I don’t know the answer, but I do know the One who does. I’ll be spending time seeking His direction, wisdom and guidance.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to be thankful, and I am.

I hope you’ve had a blessed week!

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