Well, here we are. October 2020. Can you even believe it? Summer flew by and fall is in full swing. We have just three months left of this year. Crazy, is it not?! But, before I fully welcome October, I’m taking a moment today to reflect on the month that felt seven days long. September 2020, thank you for the memories!
September 2020 wasn’t perfect, but the blessings sure were.
Nope, life isn’t perfect over here. I imagine it’s not where you are either. But, oh, the blessings! They are perfect and were for me in September 2020. What blessings did you witness and receive last month?
As I listed what I wanted to remember and share from last month, I realized they all started with the letter F! How fun is that??!!

So, here are my 5 Fascinating F’s of September 2020:
1. Finished a Goal
I haven’t shared this publicly until now. (So this is just between me and you, okay?) Back on June 15, I sat at my kitchen table, frustrated. Not long before that I had written a blog post about how my summer shorts did not fit. Not being able to wear the majority of clothes in my closet left me feeling discouraged. I didn’t feel good about me, about my health, or about much at that point. (I’m blaming this entirely on the pandemic and all those chocolate chip cookies I baked in the spring!) So, that morning at my kitchen table, I made a decision. I decided to make a change. And, let me tell you, when a girl makes a decision, look out!
I gave myself 12 weeks.
Twelve weeks of specific workouts, of eating to fuel my body, of hydration, of rest. Twelve weeks to become healthy and whole, and to feel like myself again. It was hard. (What was I thinking??) Many days I wanted to quit. Most days I was in a pool of sweat. But, some days I felt I was making progress, I felt stronger, and more healthy.
My 12 weeks ended on September 6. And my results? Well, I lost 12 pounds and get this… 20 inches! Yikes! I am finally able to fit into those shorts now, just in time for it to turn chilly. I’m back to the weight I was ten years ago, and I cannot begin to describe how much better I feel. Please know, I’m not sharing this to brag, because goodness, I have no room to do that. I’m just sharing to celebrate a little and to maybe offer a little hope. Making healthy changes is hard, no doubt about it. It’s not just a 12-week thing. It has to become my way of life. When I think about it that way, I’m able to take it just one day at a time. So since then, I restarted my 12 weeks, and I’m currently now on week 4.
2. Family vacation
The very day my 12 weeks ended, we left for a mini family vacation. The five of us! Instead of gifts last Christmas, Bill and I gave the kids (our kids are adults) a family vacation. We all compared schedules and picked the week of Labor Day for us to spend a week together. We were hoping to go somewhere warm and tropical. (I think Morgan wanted Oregon. That’s not tropical, Morgan.) Anyway, as COVID hit, we chose not to book a flight or make any concrete plans. Good thing, because Morgan and Alissa found they were expecting soon after. Their health and the health of the baby became our family’s priority. So, we chose to go to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin instead. (Good second choice, don’t you think?)

We stayed at a wonderful Airbnb, and goodness, we had a ball. We stayed up way too late, played board games, toured Lake Geneva a little, got our favorite ice cream, enjoyed making meals together, watched the Cardinals win, and loved just spending time together. It was the best days of my summer, and I can’t wait until we can do it again! Next time, though, we will have a baby on board!
3. Fabulous skies
You likely already know I am fond of sunrises and sunsets, and let me tell you, September 2020 did not disappoint. As the sun is rising later and setting earlier each day, I’m able to catch the colors more often than in the summer months. (Even though I don’t like that it’s getting darker earlier.) The hues of crimson, orange, amber, and gold appear differently with each sunrise and setting. Sometimes even pink makes its presence. I never tire of watching the skies burst with color. Of course my camera can’t quite capture the beauty. You know, some day we should have a sunrise or sunset watching party in our yard, so we can watch it together!!

4. Finding my fall groove
September 2020 helped me transition into what I call a “fall groove,” which basically consists of a new fall schedule. My life gets a bit more full when fall arrives. Does yours? Added to my fall groove:
Exercise/walk – I continue to exercise/walk every day if possible. My app tells me I walked 72.26 miles in September. I want to beat that in October.
BSF – Bible Study Fellowship began mid-September. This year we’re studying Genesis. Being a Substitute Teaching Leader is a big commitment of my time. It’s taken me awhile to settle in this year, but I’m getting there. I love serving in this role for the second year!
Writing – I tend to write in spurts. My fall groove has plans to write more and continue plugging away at my book.
Additional responsibilities this fall include my ministry, my business, my job, keeping our home running as smooth as possible, supporting our kids, leading our small group at church, and staying engaged online.
5. Favorite Recipe
Of course I have a favorite recipe to share! This month is White Chicken Enchiladas. You’re welcome.

White Chicken Enchiladas
This simple, delicious dish serves 4. Even my picky son likes it!
2 cups cooked shredded chicken
2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided
8 8 inch flower tortillas
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1-1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup sour cream
1 7 ounce can of diced green chiles
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Spray a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Mix together the chicken and 1 cup of the cheese. Set remaining cheese aside. Spoon some of the cheese/chicken mixture down the center of each tortilla. Roll up and place seam side down into prepared dish.
3. In a skillet over medium heat, melt the butter. Stir in flour and cook for 1 minute. Slowly whisk in the chicken broth and cook until thickened. Stir in sour cream and green chiles. Slowly pour over the top of the enchiladas. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
4. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
We serve this with chips and salsa, or a side of Mexican rice. Enjoy!
September 2020 was a blessed month.
I look back and I have much for which to be thankful. How about you? I image you have much to be thankful for, too. What can you celebrate about September 2020? For what are you grateful? What are you looking forward to in October?
Thank you for sharing in my 5 F’s. I pray your October is filled with all the joys your heart can hold and more!
Much love,

So proud of you for sticking w your goal. And continuing on. I’m looking forward to cooler weather!
Thank you, Kim! I’m looking forward to fall weather, too. Not to the cold and snow quite yet, though!