All Things Work for Good…Even in the ER

I needed to be reminded today…All Things Work for Good.  We made another trip to the emergency room today for Ali.  She was in no way better.  It was determined she now has mono.  Before that, I was concerned…she had found a bump on the back of her head,...

I Can’t Lose Jesus

The last sentence in my devotional reading today spoke volumes to me…”No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with me.”Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you.There certainly have been things in my life I have lost.  And I...

His Indescribable Presence

I know Jesus is with me every moment of every day.  There’s never a time when He’s not with me.  I’m so thankful for this.  But there have been times in my life that I have experienced His presence in a mighty way within me and around me.  It’s...


Today at the Mission of Hope Worship Service, Tom Munckton shared with me and the rest of the congregation a very moving and inspiring definition of compassion…Definition of Compassion given by Henri Nouwen”The word compassion is derived from the Latin...

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