Five Minute Friday – Protect

Five Minute Friday – Protect

A number of weeks have passed since I was last able to participate in Five Minute Friday. But tonight, the rain canceled our bicycling plans, and I am home. I missed the Five Minute Friday Party on Twitter, but at least I was able to write for my five minutes! It...
Five Minute Friday – Haven

Five Minute Friday – Haven

I have no idea what I’m going to write about with this week’s Five Minute Friday prompt. Let’s hope something comes to me soon! But yes, here we are once again… that time of the week many of us gather to let our creativity (or lack of for me...
Five Minute Friday – Cheer

Five Minute Friday – Cheer

Life has been beautifully full lately, and I’ve missed the last couple of Five Minute Fridays. But I’m back! I appreciate this wonderful Five Minute Friday community. When you have to step away for a time, they welcome you back with open arms. FMF is when...
Five Minute Friday – Miss

Five Minute Friday – Miss

Five Minute Friday is here again. It’s good to be a part of it today, even though I missed the party on Twitter last night. Five Minute Friday is more than a thing, a day, or something to do. It’s a beautiful community, filled with amazing people....
Five Minute Friday – Pass

Five Minute Friday – Pass

It’s Five Minute Friday! When many of us write freely for five minutes on the same one-word prompt. We gather to share and encourage at Kate’s place, and it’s fun to see what these amazing people have written in five minutes! I invite you to join...
Five Minute Friday – Unite

Five Minute Friday – Unite

I love Fridays. I always have, for as far back as I can remember. And, now that I have Fridays off of work, I seem to love them even more. Fridays are also special to me because I participate in a great community called Five Minute Friday. It’s filled with...

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