Freedom Is Found In Releasing Our Anxiety And Cares

by | Oct 30, 2017 | 31 Days Of Living A Real Life

Anxiety. Cares of this world.

They can sometimes get the best of us, can’t they?

Recently I found myself fretting. I was seriously anxious about something beyond my control. There wasn’t one thin I could do about the situation, but yet I was worked up. I understood first-hand how anxiety messes with our peace and our joy, as both were completely absent as I fretted.

Anxiety like this doesn’t just affect our minds, it also affects our hearts, our physical well-being, our entire lives.

When anxiety and cares of this world invade, what do we do?

What do you do, friend?

Some of us struggle with anxiety more than others. If you’re one who does, please know I’m praying for you today. I’m lifting you to the One Who knows us better than we know ourselves. Jesus is the One who can deal with them.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

I learned this word ‘cast’ means to hurl or to heave. We’re to throw with great force all our anxiety and cares on Jesus because He loves and cares for us.

So, when I’m bogged down with the cares of this world, I make a mental picture of me filling a suitcase full of these cares, locking it, and throwing it as hard as as far I can to Jesus’ feet. He can handle them. I cannot.

Then, I pray and I breathe. The anxiety leaves and my peace and joy return.

You know though, we’re not failures if anxiety returns. No, not at all. I’ve found, however, repeating this process (of the suitcase, the heaving, the praying, and the breathing) helps me. It helps me keep my focus on Jesus and off of me.

Freedom is found in releasing our anxiety and cares.

Freedom is found in releasing our anxiety and cares.

And, we’re better able to live real in this freedom.

Friend, what are you anxious about today? What cares are you carrying? May I suggest to fill your own suitcase, lock it, hurl it at Jesus, pray, and breathe? Repeat if necessary.

Is there something else you do when you begin to fret? Maybe your tip will help another in living real in this freedom.

Thanks for stopping by today. You are a blessing!

God bless you!




Can you believe it? It’s Day 30 of 31 Days of Living a Real Life. Time has flown, hasn’t it? If you’re interested in catching up on the previous posts in this series, you can do so here.

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1 Comment

  1. Cindy Wilkins

    I’m already gathering in worries about my gallbladder surgery and it’s a week from today. I think I’ll try packing and flinging them! I have to do an awful lot of self talk these days. It seems my anxiety has taken on new life since my grandchildren have come. New worries I guess. I have signed up to do the P31 study on Max Lucado’s anxiety book to reinforce what I already know. Once again great post, Julie!


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