W2W – An Excellent Woman??

by | Apr 23, 2014 | W2W

truly excellent woman editedIt’s Woman to Woman Wednesday! It’s our time to take a few minutes out of our schedule to be encouraged and to encourage one another.

We’re starting a series, looking at what some call “The Proverbs 31 Woman.” Starting in verse 31:10 today.

I love The Voice Bible translation. I appreciate the extra information that is given with the text. A side note says about this part of the proverb that King Lemuel’s mother warns him about the dangers of women and wine. Both have brought down and distracted leaders and kings, not only in the Bible, but in today’s world as well.

As I read this verse, I am reminded that this girl is far from excellent and superior, especially when it comes to my marriage, and when it comes to my role as Bill’s wife.

There are days I’m critical, unloving, self-absorbed, and just plain grumpy. I wonder some days how Bill puts up with me.

But what encourages me, even through my grumpy times, is found in the second part of this verse. I pray it encourages you too.

Her worth far exceeds that of rubies or expensive jewelry.

Friend, you are worthy. You are priceless. You are worth more than fine, expensive jewelry. Especially to the One who created you.

I don’t know about you, but that helps me today.

No matter how many times we may fall, fail or falter, we can turn to the One who considers us priceless. He’s there waiting for us to come to Him. To brush us off, clean us up, and to help us get back on the path again.

Even in my grumpy days. Even in the days I think or say something I shouldn’t have. Even in the moments I am are far from excellent or superior.

And, by turning to God and trusting Him in our roles as wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc., He equips us to live out those roles with excellence. Without Him, there’s no chance of us even coming close to that.

Start your day off with a similar prayer…

Father God. Thank you for this day. Thank you for the roles you’ve given me in my life. Father, equip me to be the wife, the mom, the woman you desire me to be. Help me to be excellent and superior in all that I do for you. I just desire to please you. And may I be reminded today I am worthy in your eyes. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Blessings to you this day!

(I am linking up with my friend Meredith at 4hisgloryblog.com on this Woman to Woman Wednesday.)

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  1. Sabra Penley

    Thanks for this precious truth that we may not be all that we should be, but we are of great worth in the eyes of the Lord. So thankful that He loves us unconditionally and provides us with everything we need to be the excellent wife. Thanks, Julie. Blessings to you.

  2. Kathryn Shirey

    Love this! We have so many roles to fill as women – more than we can do justice to on our own. We’ll never find “balance” or be “super mom”, so we need to stop criticizing ourselves and others. We just need to lean on God and do the best we can with His help.

    • Julie

      Amen, Kathryn! I’ve learned the hard way doing anything on my own is disaster. I love your words “lean on God and do the best we can with His help.” (That might be the subject of an upcoming post for me!) Thank you for sharing your impacting thoughts here. Blessings to you, especially today!

  3. Meredith Bernard

    Thank you for linking up today and for these words, Julie! Isn’t it a wonder we are considered treasures in His eyes even on our worst days? A wonder of grace. So glad to consider this truth today and hope to start living in it more. Blessings to you!

    • Julie

      Hi Meredith! Thank you for your encouragement. God is again speaking to me through these scriptures regarding my role as wife. Thanks for allowing me to link up! Blessings to you this day as well, dear sister!

  4. Lora Bloomquist

    I love the idea of Woman to Woman Wednesday! I ‘ve always loved the verses in Proverbs 31 “she considers a field…she sees that her trading is profitable”; it’s been such an entrepreneurial encouragement to me through the years. But thankyou for encouraging me also in my marriage, to let God equip me to be excellent and superior!

    • Julie

      Hi Lora! That specific verse in Proverbs 31 has encouraged me in my business as well throughout the years. I appreciate that you and I have that entrepreneurial spirit in common! Thank you for visiting today, and thank you for allowing me to journey alongside of you in our writing!


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