Stepping Into A New Season

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Love God, personal journey

For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1 VOICE

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a season...“How’s your new job going?”

I’m getting asked this often lately. And I’m thankful so many people care and are interested in how I’m doing in my new venture. It truly warms my heart.

My answer, however, has probably been a strange one. Only because I’m still adjusting to my new schedule. I’m still learning the ropes in my new role. I’m a tad out of practice balancing working outside of our home, my BSF responsibilities, my writing, and maintaining some sort of sanity. It’s all been a bit of a challenge for this girl.

But, I believe I’m exactly where God wants me.

Life was pretty comfortable during the last six months at home. I cherished my flexible and relaxed schedule. I appreciated having an abundance of time to write. I flourished in taking care of my family. I had extended time to study my Bible and talk with God. I absolutely loved that season of my life.

Ever transitioned from one season into another?

We all probably have. Sometimes it can be a challenge.

We find we’ve stepped from what we knew as solid ground to something that now feels like quicksand.

We’ve gone from what was familiar and comfortable, and have ventured way beyond the borders of our comfort zone.

We moved from what was certain, to a place of unpredictability.

And we might even begin to question if we made the right move. We might believe it’s safer to just return to where we came from.

This reminds me of the Israelites. After God had rescued them from slavery in Egypt, and as they were about to enter the Promised Land, they were filled with fear and began to grumble because of the report of the people living in this new land. The Israelites were free at last, but because their fear was greater, they believed it was better to return to Egypt and go back into slavery.

Crazy, right?? I can’t shake my judgmental finger at them, because I’m just like them. All too often, returning to familiar may sound more inviting than embracing something new.

If God it taking us to a new season, He’s going to be with us in it.

Just because it’s new and uncomfortable and may be unfamiliar, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be there. If God has called us into a new season, He’s got a specific plan and purpose for us in it. He doesn’t call us there to leave us. He’s going to be with us in every part, even in the uncomfortable.

New seasons are full of opportunities for growth, and learning. To be stretched, challenged and to expand one’s comfort zone. To embrace new experiences, and be obedient to God’s call.

To continue trusting God on this great adventure with Him.

Friend, if you’re finding yourself in a new season or facing one, I pray you step forward in confidence, trusting God knows what He’s doing. He has great blessings in store for you.

A new season. It’s exciting, isn’t it??!! Let’s link arms and step into it together. What amazing stories of God’s provision and grace we’ll be able to share. Thank you for continuing to journey with me!

Much love,




Linking arms (so-to-speak) today with some great sisters in Christ:  Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly for #RaRaLinkup, and Crystal for #IntentionalTuesday.

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  1. Michele Morin

    Beautiful reminder that God leads us — and then stays with us in that new situation. We do forget this!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Michele! I know I forget it, that’s for sure. I’m thankful He doesn’t leave us… ever! Thank you for coming by today. Many blessings to you, friend!

  2. joanneviola

    Wonderful post! Julie, it is so true, transition may not be easy but as God leads us through, we can follow with confidence in Him. I am so grateful to have read this today!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hey, Joanne! What would we ever do without God leading us and guiding us?! I’d be a mess. Thank you for stopping in for a few minutes today. Your words bless me and encourage me. Hope all is well in your corner of the world! Bless you!

  3. debbieputman

    Oh, how often I fight transition. And yet that is where I am most transformed into the image of Christ–if I cooperate. Thank you for these beautiful reminders today.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hello Debbie! I think you hit the nail on the head with “if I cooperate.” Amen to that! Thank you for stopping by today and for sharing. It’s always a blessing to have you here. Much love to you!

  4. Mary Geisen

    Happy new season, Julie! Embracing all God has planned for us honors Him because we are saying we want to do our best. I know that is exactly what you are doing. New routines always throw us off at first but then we develop a rhythm that carries us in the new season. I am thrilled that you are learning a new job but also embracing God’s word, writing and your family. You are a beautiful example for me.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Mary! It’s so good to see your beautiful face today. I think of you often in your “new season.” In fact, you were in my prayers this morning. I appreciate your words of love and encouragement more than you know. Have a blessed week, my friend!

  5. christy mobley

    Yep, been there. Change isn’t always bad, it’s just different. Thank you for your words today Julie.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Christy! Thanks for being here and for understanding. Yes, change is just different. Blessings to you!


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