Friend, You Are Chosen

by | Oct 6, 2015 | 31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

It happened in gym class and at recess.

Maybe it was dodge ball or volleyball, or some other sport that needed two teams. As always, teams were picked in a way I disliked. Two people were named as team captains and the rest of us were in a pool of prospective players.

Even though it was nearly 30 years ago, the anxious thoughts rush back as if it was only yesterday, questioning…

“Will I be chosen?”

Oh, how I did not want to end up being the last one, standing there by myself. I always felt sorry for the one who was.

Each player wanted to be chosen.

The same goes for us today.

We still desire to be chosen.


by the handsome guy in Algebra class.

by our boss to receive a promotion.

to be featured in the next publication.

for a job interview.

for the team.

to be someone’s wife or husband.

to receive an invitation to the party.

When we don’t receive the invitation, the job interview, the promotion, and when we’re the last one picked at recess, it can be hurtful, discouraging and embarrassing.

Our pride can take a hit.

Tears easily begin to puddle.

The world will tell us, “See, you don’t have what it takes to be chosen.”

But friend, I have good news. You are already chosen.

Chosen by the greatest Team Captain of all times.

You are chosen

You are chosen by God.

Take a look at these truths…

We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people. 1 Thessalonians 1:4

And one more,

God chose us to be in a relationship with Him even before He laid out plans for this world… Ephesians 1:4a

You no longer have to stand there in the pool of players, praying you won’t be left standing by yourself. You don’t have to fret about getting picked.

He’s already selected you as one of His own.

Doesn’t that just warm your heart??!! Doesn’t that make you feel special, loved and cherished??!! You most certainly are, friend.

Bask in this goodness today. And why not share this truth with another?

God bless you!

Much love,



We’re on Day 6 of 31 Days #CelebratingWhoYouAre. I’m praying your are encouraged and strengthened by these first few days of digging into God’s Word and who He says you are. Thank you for spending a few minutes with me today! (Linking this post with two amazing spaces today: #RaRaLinkup and #TestimonyTuesday.

31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

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  1. Joanne Viola

    Julie, it always moves me to think that out of all the people on the earth, He chose me to be His. And the beautiful thing is He feels the same deep love for each one of us. Glad to be reminded this morning!

  2. Mary Geisen

    Yes! Knowing I am chosen by God and have been even before I was born reassures me that I have been picked by the greatest team captain of all. I also remember the days of being picked for teams growing up. Not a happy memory and one that when I look back has so many lessons in it. Hugs friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Mary! Those were some painful experiences, but God continues to remind me He uses all for His glory. It’s a joy to have you here, Mary! Bless you.

  3. Tiffany

    Something I never tire of being reminded of, and some days still forget…I am His. Love this, Julie.

    • Julie Lefebure

      You are beautifully His, my friend! Rejoicing with you!

  4. Sarah Koontz

    What an encouraging #write31days series. YES we are chosen, we just have to remind ourselves of it sometimes. Best of luck with your series, look forward to checking back soon.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Sarah! Thank you! I have remind myself often. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be over to to your place soon!

  5. Tara

    Love this! I need to bask in His goodness. I was always the one picked last. I hated it. And today I sometimes feel like I’m last as a single 37 year old who still deeply yearns to be a wife and mom. You’re right. I am loved cherished and chosen by God himself.

    • Julie Lefebure

      His plan is perfect, Tara. Yes, you are loved, cherished and chosen by the One Who’s got it all in the palm of His hand. I am praying for you, friend, and sending love your way!



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