Five Minute Friday – Break

by | Mar 27, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

It’s Five Minute Friday!

Time to take five minutes and write freely on a one-word prompt. It’s not perfect writing, but it’s perfect timing to let the words flow. We share our “masterpieces” at Kate Motaung’s place and encouragement follows.

I invite you to join us either on your own blog or in my comments section below. Five minutes. We all have five minutes to spare, don’t we?

This week’s word:




I have a friend who spoke life into me two years ago. She helped me see that I function and thrive better when I take scheduled breaks. She encouraged me to remove myself from my normal surroundings every three months.

What a difference that has made!

When I’ve done that, I’ve experienced wonderful breakthroughs in so many areas in my life. Burn-out is not existent, and joy continues to well up within me.

When I haven’t done that, well, let’s just say I become the not-so-happy Julie.

I’m thankful for this gift my friend helped me realize!

It had been almost nine months since my last break. And I could tell.

This one was much needed.

We had planned it for six months, and let me tell you, I couldn’t come soon enough.

Breaking away from my norm, relaxing, spending time in prayer, just taking time to breathe. It was perfect.

breakWe just returned from this wonderful spring break vacation to Florida. I’ll be sharing more about it in future posts, but for now, let me just share that I’ve returned refreshed, renewed, and re-inspired.

Friend, when was the last time you took a break? When you’ve removed yourself from your current surroundings, your current schedule, your normal routine, to break away for a fresh perspective on life? I encourage you to do it soon. It doesn’t have to be a big getaway. A small break from the norm can make a big difference. You’ll be blessed, and God will bless the time you spend with Him while you take a break. Why not take a small one this weekend??



Happy Friday, friends! God bless you as you take a break.


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  1. Anita Ojeda

    I’m so glad you found respite from your routine! I take mini-breaks by birdwatching for a few hours once a week. And I take bigger breaks about every 6 weeks when our school has home leaves or vacations. Getting away and breaking our routine is vitally important–it helps change our perspective and refresh us.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Anita, I loved reading this. I forgot your are a birdwatcher. I’m so glad you take time out once a week to do so. Bigger breaks every six weeks sounds like a perfect plan. I’m so glad you stay refreshed on a regular basis. Help me stay accountable to taking breaks, won’t you?? Blessings, friend!

  2. Patty McDorman

    Good for you!!!!!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Patty! A good friend like you helps me see things from a different perspective. You and your friendship all these years have blessed me more than you know. Thank you for helping me see I need to take regular breaks!! Love you!

  3. Tara

    Julie, welcome back friend! We’ve missed you but so glad you had time to break away. I’m looking forward to a break in June to one of my fave places; the beautiful Rocky Mts. I do find time to take shorter breaks when I can though.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Tara. It’s good to be back, but the break away was wonderful. I’m thrilled to read you’re breaking away to the Rocky Mountains in June. Keep taking those breaks, friend! God bless you as you do!

  4. Jennifer Frisbie

    I can’t wait to hear more about your trip, Julie. I, too, am beginning to learn how very desperately I need to be taking regular breaks. Here’s wondering if I can talk my husband into a beach trip again this year… 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh, Jennifer, I hope you can take a beach trip this year. That sounds like a perfect break! Maybe we can help each other stay accountable to taking more regular breaks. God bless you as you make this a habit. Thank you for being here!

  5. ~Karrilee~

    So Much Amen, Julie! I love that we both talked about taking a break/self care! It’s so important!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hey Karrilee! I’ll stop over to your place soon to read your beautiful words. Thank you for being here!

  6. Amy P Boyd

    AMEN !!! Learning to take a break and care for yourself with allowing the gulity feelings to overcome you is so hard. However, we we learn to do that we are able to serve others and ourselves so much better and with a sweeter spirit.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Amy! Caring for ourselves is necessary for our well being and to better serve others. I need to take breaks more often than I do! Thanks for stopping by, friend!

  7. Kathryn Shirey

    Sounds wonderful! I’m going on a retreat next month and can’t wait to get away for the weekend. Don’t get these breaks very often, so quite a treat.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Enjoy your retreat next month! Cherish every moment, Kathryn. So glad you are making time for yourself a priority! Blessings!

  8. Betsy

    I’m glad you enjoyed your break! How wonderful it is to get away from our normal routines and work! It makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it? I’m glad you were able to get away. Next week–after Easter– my family and I will go to Budapest and Vienna for a 6 day trip. I can’t wait!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Betsy. Yes, taking a break makes all the difference! I’m glad to read you are taking some time away after Easter. Enjoy that precious time with your family! I’ll be praying for you.


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