For some time now we’ve been exploring the many different distractions that can plague us on any given day. Since I’m called to help women live encouraged and less distracted, we’ve covered many of these, but the list of distractions seem to be endless! How is it possible to live less distracted? Well, we do all we can to live in the moment. In last week’s episode we discussed the distraction of the future, and today we’re heading in the opposite direction. We’re discussing the distraction of the past.

I have a love-hate relationship with my past.
Maybe you do, too.
Because we each have both–good instances and not so good instances–in our pasts.
And I think some of the good things I’ve done and the things I achieved in my past. But also in my past are the things I’d rather forget. The unpleasant experiences and circumstances I’ve walked through. The mistakes I’ve made and the sins I’ve committed. And the hurts, heartaches, headaches, and hard moments for me and the ones I’ve caused for others.
We each have good and bad in our pasts.
And this is where the distraction of the past enters the scene.
When the distraction of the past entices us from the present, we miss what’s happening right here.
And that enticement away from the present may contain something positive in our pasts or something negative.
The past doesn’t have to stop us from living in the present. Because that’s not God’s best for us.
The distraction of the past says, “Stay stuck here.” But God says, “Stay present with me.”
I share a little of my story dealing with the distraction of the past, and three Bible verses to encourage our hearts on the subject. I offer a prayer and suggest following God’s lead in overcoming this distraction.
Click on the player above to listen to the 17-minute episode.
It’s wise to remember this: the past is in the past. No matter what you’ve done or haven’t done. No matter what you’ve achieved or haven’t achieved. God is using all of your past for your good and His glory today. He has used your past to grow you into the person you are today, but God’s plans are for you not to stay back there. He has good plans for you for today.
Stay present, friend. God bless you!
Links in this episode:
- Episode 79, The Distraction of the Future Says, “Live There Now”
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV
- Isaiah 43:18-19 MSG
- Ecclesiastes 7:10 NLT
- Ephesians 5:15-16 VOICE
- Encouragement for Real Life Community
- Find additional Free Resources to encourage your heart at