24 Hours of Blessing!

by | Nov 10, 2012 | Serving

Feeling the effects tonight from being awake for a straight 28 hours, and only sleeping today for about three, as I think about the last two days, I’m grateful that I’ve experienced so much…

  • What it feels like to have a taste of Bill’s crazy schedule for a day. šŸ™‚
  • I’ve learned how to put Google Analytics on my blog…now if I can just get it to work!
  • I met some incredible people at a place called Geonetric.
  • Was able to spend some valuable time with Tina & Marcia.
  • I laughed more than I expected.
  • And ate more than I should have.
  • I watched a team work from a “ninja board” and make something not so great into something truly beautiful!
  • I learned how to blog in a different setting.
  • I know now what SEO and other foreign-to-me terms mean!
  • Was forced to grow out of my “comfort zone.”
  • Made some new friends.
  • Geonetric is one of the coolest places one would ever have the privilege to earn a living at.
  • Ali was able to experience some of the fun Thursday night as she joined me for a few hours.
  • I was able to watch God be glorified in a setting that was outside of the “church.” It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced! I believe God used Mission of Hope to draw others to Him during Operation Overnight…which is something I didn’t expect!

Yes, I’m tired. Yes, I’m ready to sleep for days. But, I’m so thankful tonight that I was able to be a part of something bigger than myself this week, and that I was able to bond with people I never knew before in a matter of 24 hours! It’s an experience I will hold on to for a very long time!

I pray that all of the 50-some employees from Geonetric who were a part of this experience are resting soundly tonight, and I pray that God blesses Geonetric in ways beyond their wildest dreams! I don’t think this group of incredible people really have any idea how many lives they’ve touched and will continue to touch through blessing us four non-profit organizations like they did with a new website!

If you haven’t had a chance to check our Mission of Hope’s new website, now’s a great time! www.missionofhopecr.org

Operation Overnight was a HUGE success! (And I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight!)

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